Oversight of State Bodies: Oversight Agreements, Performance Delivery Agreements and Key Performance Indicators
An important new aspect of the revised Code of Practice for the Governance of State Bodies (2016) is the focus on standardising and improving the agreements in place between Departments and aegis bodies, to provide, inter alia, for improved clarity of roles and responsibilities, performance expectations, reporting requirements and accountability. The Code recommends the development and adoption of an Oversight Agreement and a Performance Delivery Agreement in the case of each Department-State Body relationship, with the latter to include measurable deliverables and outputs to inform an improved performance dialogue. For these agreements to be meaningful and effective, however, it will require public sector managers to have a solid understanding and appreciation of the rationale and context for them, their key contents, and ability to develop, approve and use key performance indicators (KPIs).
The two-hour Specialist-Led course aims to provide concrete guidance to assist staff of both parent Departments and State Bodies in the development of formal Oversight Agreements and Performance Delivery Agreements, with a strong emphasis on performance, including KPIs and monitoring. This course follows a strong practical approach, with class exercises and live samples used throughout the session to facilitate the transfer of operational know-how and of relevant lessons learned across the public sector system.